There are surgical, non-surgical (extension agents, creams, pills, vacuum pumps, hormones) and combined penis enlargement methods.

Which penis is considered normal?
Can various pumps, pills, exercises make your penis bigger? When you really want a big male member, will surgery help? Ads for penis enlargement are now everywhere. This is understandable, because each of us is constantly eager for self-improvement. But is it realistic to increase male reproductive organs? Let us take a closer look at this problem.
It is now believed that the standard for the length of the penis in an erect state is 12-18 cm.
In men, the average length of the penis is 15. 7 cm. If the length of the penis is less than 9. 5 cm, it is already considered small. There are even miniature penises-they can be less than two centimeters in length. If a man is not satisfied with the length or shape of the penis, then he will consider adding surgery (this can be surgery to increase the entire penis or surgery to increase only the head).

Currently, there are several ways to increase male members:
- surgical;
- Non-surgical
- Combine.
Surgical methods for expanding male members
Now, more and more men are going to the urology department for complaining about "male members' short stature". Not everyone knows that in most of these cases, their length is considered absolutely normal from a physiological point of view. Doctors have long known that men have obvious exaggerated ideas about how long male genitals should be.
Norms are norms, but not everyone believes them. In addition, a person's growth, his body mass index, has also made some adjustments to the norm. But not everyone agrees with this view, because we have seen a significant increase in the number of queues in the urology office. Some even resort to surgical methods to enlarge the male membership.
Surgical methods for penis enlargement are frequently performed in the world. However, on their own, they are very insecure. As we all know, the possibility of their various complications is unacceptably high. It is believed that the surgical method of expanding the male penis is a guarantee of positive results.
The most harmless surgical method for penis enlargement is considered to be a plastic frenulum. Through this operation, the penis can be extended by about 1. 5-2 cm. A more aggressive method is to dissect the ligaments in the suprapubic area. These ligaments hold the penis together. With this kind of surgery, the penis can be lengthened by about 3-5 cm. As we all know, various special implants are widely used to make the penis thicker (5-10 mm).
In order to lengthen and thicken, they can also provide prosthetics. Before performing any surgery, you need to understand that this is forever. And it is no longer possible to restore your previous penis size. Each proposed method of penis enlargement surgery has its disadvantages. Therefore, it is always necessary to reasonably evaluate the pros and cons. In addition, such operations can only be entrusted to qualified doctors with extensive experience and good reputation.
The surgical method of penis enlargement still has its own contraindications. It can be some systemic diseases, joint diseases, hormonal imbalance, old age, diabetes, etc.
There is another suggestion: you still need to see a psychologist before having penis enlargement surgery. After all, this guy's size may be fine. After a man is unable to satisfy his partner, he often has a strong desire to enlarge his penis. But you need to understand that size doesn't matter at all. The most important thing is to study your partner carefully and know what will bring her the most pleasure.
Non-surgical methods for penis enlargement
It happened that the urologist refused to refer the man to the surgeon who decided to enlarge the penis. What can he do? In this case, men rely on a variety of non-surgical methods to enlarge their penis. First, it can be increased using a special expander (this is a special stretching device).
The essence of this method is that human living tissue will form a physiological response to the applied pulling force. As we all know, any part of the human body can cope with this effect through an accelerated cell division and an increase in tissue quality.

In principle, these extenders can be worn all day long. In this case, the patient can lie down, stand, sit, or even walk. If you wear an extender for about six months, you can extend your penis by 3-4 cm. If you use this device correctly, there will be no side effects. In addition, there will be no penis thinning that many men are afraid of. The extender also does not affect potency and fertility in any way.
There is also a view that through the introduction of testosterone, and those drugs that stimulate the production of testosterone, centimeters can be increased. But experts say this is just a myth. Androgen does not affect penis size. It only affects his sexual function. If testosterone is used without consultation, it can cause hormonal imbalances. Testosterone pits can develop, leading to loss of sexual function and even infertility.

There is also a way to enlarge the penis with the help of special creams. Many people have paid attention to such advertisements on the Internet. At first glance, this cream is very easy to use. But with all this, they promised a fantastic result. These promises encourage many men to buy. But you need to understand that this type of cream has little or no effect. It is believed that the cream can only temporarily enlarge the penis.
Therefore, a slight increase of up to 1. 5 cm can last up to 5-6 hours. Usually, these creams have the effect of dilating blood vessels and warming. This is the reason for the increase. But you need to remember that many of these creams contain various dangerous allergens and even hormonal supplements. Penis enlargement cream can cause normal irritation and damage to the mucous membranes. Especially "unsuccessful" creams can cause chemical burns.
Another option for penis enlargement is to use a vacuum pump. What is it? This method is based on negative pressure therapy. In principle, this is the only safe treatment that can be used at home. If a vacuum pump is used in combination with heating ointment, then this will indeed cause an increase in male members (3 cm in length) and thickening (up to 5 mm).
Some experts even believe that it can improve erections. This particular pump must be used correctly and very carefully. This is necessary in order not to damage the mucous membrane of the penis and its blood vessels. You can only use this pump yourself after meeting and consulting with a male doctor.
The important point: For this method to work, men must exercise regularly and live a fulfilling sex life. It is unrealistic to enlarge the penis once and for all with a vacuum pump.

Combination methods for penis enlargement
This method is considered the most effective. What is its essence? In the first stage, a surgical operation is performed and then an extender is used (using classic techniques). Why is it so effective? And all this is because after the operation, the so-called "hidden" part of the male genitalia will be released. This is why there is a chance to get excellent results.